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Home » Information » Yellow-Throated Tinkerbird in Uganda (“Pogoniulus subsulphureus”)

Yellow-Throated Tinkerbird in Uganda (“Pogoniulus subsulphureus”)

Yellow-Throated Tinkerbird

What to Know About the Yellow-Throated Tinkerbird in Uganda?

The Yellow-Throated Tinkerbird in Uganda is one of the African Uganda Birds seen during birding safaris in Uganda. It is a common bird in Africa that belongs to the Lybiidae family (African barbets).

It is a plump-looking bird with a large head and a heavy bill fringed with hairs. They are usually solitary birds. they are expert agents of seed dispersal.

How Does the Yellow-throated Tinkerbird in Uganda Feed?

Yellow throated tinkerbirds feeds on various fruits like figs and other cultivated fruits and vegetables.

They eat the whole fruit and later on regurgitate the indigestible materials like seed pits. They also prey small insects, such as ants, cicadas, dragonflies, crickets, locusts, beetles, moths and mantids.

How Does the Yellow-throated Tinkerbird in Uganda Nest?

ellow-throated tinkerbirds nest mostly in holes jaded into dead trees and branches. They usually place sticky mistletoe seeds around their nest entrances to guard against predators. Nest building is done by both the male and female.

How Does the Yellow-throated Tinkerbird in Uganda Reproduce?

The hen usually lays between 2 to 4 eggs that are incubated for 13–15 days.

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