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Shining-Blue Kingfisher in Uganda

Shining-Blue Kingfisher

“Alcedo quadribrachys”

What to Know About the Shinning-blue Kingfisher in Uganda?

This bird species is an African river kingfisher in the family Alcedinidae. It inhabits most parts of equatorial Africa.

It was described at the Alcedo quadribrachys in 1850 by Charles Lucian Bonaparte, a French ornithologist. Its scientific name means a kingfisher with four toes in Latin language.

How Does The Shinning Blue Kingfisher in Uganda Look Like?

The Shinning blue kingfisher is a small bird with length of about 16 cm. the male is 33–36 g, slightly larger than female 32–40 g.

Like their name, the head and back have shinning blue plumage, tall dark bill, race buffy loral spot, cream chin and throat while the tail is blue-black. The down, feet and toes are orange.

How Does the Shinning Blue Kingfisher in Uganda Sing and Make Calls?

The shinning blue kingfisher can be identified by the unique high-pitched “cheet” usually given in flight, and repeated high-pitched “seet-seet-seet-seet”.

How Does the Shinning Blue Kingfisher in Uganda feed?

They are fish catchers and can fish for up to 6 cm in length, it also feeds on aquatic insect larvae and small crabs. foraging begins from a perch in reeds or overhanging branches.

How Does the Shinning Blue Kingfisher in Uganda Nest?

The shinning-blue kingfisher nests in a burrow which is built on the banks on the water stream, approximately 1km away from the stream. The female lays between 4-6 eggs.

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