What to Know About the Lapped-faced Vulture in Uganda?
The Lappet-Faced Vulture in Uganda is one of the African birds in Uganda seen during birding safaris. The lappet-faced vulture or Nubian vulture is an Old World vulture belonging to the bird order Accipitriformes, which also includes eagles, kites, buzzards and hawks. It is the only member of the genus Torgos.
It is not closely related to the superficially similar New World vultures and does not share the good sense of smell of some members of that group. It has a longevity of up to 30 years.
The lappet-faced vulture was formerly considered monotypical, but now is separated into two subspecies. The nominate race lives throughout Africa.
The subspecies T. t. negevensis, differing considerably in appearance from African vultures occurs in Uganda.
How Does the Lapped-faced Vulture in Uganda Look Like?
Lappet-faced Vulture is very large. In East Africa, it is usually smaller, about 6200g. Head and strong neck are rather pink, but the color depends on mood and temperature.
Head and neck are bare, without any feathers. The strong bill is well adapted for tearing up the flesh. Feet are grey.
The plumage is dark, almost black on the wings, and pale brown to white on flanks and thighs Juvenile is brown with few down on the head. Bill is dark horn-colored. The underparts do not show any pale areas.
How Does the Lapped-faced Vulture in Uganda Sing and Make Calls?
Lappet-faced Vulture is usually silent. Lappet-faced Vulture feeds on carrion, pieces of skin and bones from carcasses of different sizes.
It often feeds on garbage, and may kill some small animals, mainly small birds, but it also pirates from other raptors.
It dominates all other birds of prey around the food, performing some displays such as bounding attacks, but it spends more time in these displays than feeding, and it returns later to the carcass.
Lappet-faced Vulture uses its strong bill to tear up skin and tendons. It also steals food from other raptors feeding close to him.
It often feeds first, because it is the most adapted to tear up the skin and starting the feast. The strong, large bill easily tears up the flesh, and thanks to the bare head and neck, it is able to dig about into the carcasses without blood on its feathers.
How Does the Lapped-faced Vulture in Uganda Nest?
Pairs nest solitary, and build large, bulky, flat nest (about 2 meters of diameter), with small sticks at thorny tree-top. The interior is lined with dry grasses.
How Does the Lapped-faced Vulture in Uganda Reproduce?
Female lays only one egg in the depression in the middle of the nest. Incubation lasts about 7 to 8 weeks, by both parents.
The chick is covered first with white down, except on head and neck which are grey. The second down is grey.
The young fledge at 125-135 days after hatching. It may be regularly fed by both adults for one year more.
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