What to Know About the Feral Pigeons in Uganda?
The Feral Pigeon in Uganda is one of the African Uganda Birds seen during Uganda bird watching tours. Feral pigeons are common birds sometimes called city doves, city pigeons, or street pigeons. Their name pigeon is derived from the domestic pigeons that have returned to the wild.
feral pigeons belong to the same species as rock doves and domestic pigeons and they can readily interbreed.
Feral pigeons are called city doves because they easily adapt to urban life and are globally many in towns and cities.
Feral pigeons are considered a nuisance and an invasive species because they can ably create large amounts of excrement and can carry diseases, damage crops, and property.
In fact, they are at times hunted by authorities to lower their numbers in towns.
How Does the Feral Pigeons in Uganda Look Like?
The Feral Pigeon, a descended from the Rock Dove is a small sized bird with length from 11-14inches, wingspan 20-26 inches and weighs between 9-13 ounces.
Their color is variable buy mostly gray. They are similar to rock birds but slightly larger than the rock birds because of their mixed breeding.
The feral pigeons have a white rump, rounded tail with a dark tip and the pale gray wings have two black bars.
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